Bullet Journaling

Creative Bullet Journal Ideas and Inspiration

Short on Bullet Journaling ideas. Read on to draw inspiration.

If you're passionate about planning and art, you've likely heard of BuJo, also known as Bullet Journaling. You must have even read our "Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners to Start a Bullet Journal in 2023." to know a fair bit about how to start. But if you are new to bullet journaling, make sure to check out here.

Maintaining a personal life bullet journal is a great tool to customize and personalize your own planner, and mark your weekly spread and a to-do list all in one. And when it comes to enhancing your BuJo experience, Dingbats notebooks are ready to be your perfect companions. Let's explore how a Dingbats journal will help you start a new chapter in your BuJo journey with inspiring ideas and unmatched quality.


Looking for inspiration that transforms your bullet journal into a personal, organized, and creative outlet?

Dingbats* is here with a list of ideas to make sure your goals and interests get the expression they deserve. Here are some creative BuJo ideas to help you keep your interests on track and ideas fresh.


Discover Easy Bullet Journal Ideas for Beginners

 By customizing bullet journal pages and trackers, you can create a journal that is tailored specifically to your individual interests and goals. Whether you have a passion for travel, fitness, self-care, books, movies or you're a beginner looking to start your bullet journaling journey, with simple spread ideas, there are countless layouts to explore. Let's delve into some amazing bullet journal ideas for different interests and goals.


Travel Log: Preserving memories of your adventures

 For those with a passion for exploring new destinations and being one with nature, a travel journal is an invaluable companion. It not only helps you stay organized during your trips but also serves as a creative outlet to document your experiences and preserve cherished memories. Let's delve deeper into how you can use a travel bujo that will enhance your journey and inspire your wanderlust.


  1. Track your travel plans, experiences, and memories in dedicated sections.

  2. Create destination bucket lists with hand-drawn maps, or cutouts and mark each location as you visit them.

  3. Design itineraries and daily schedules to make the most of your time at each destination.

  4. Organize comprehensive packing lists to ensure you have everything you need for your trip.

  5. Incorporate travel-themed doodles and photographs to add a creative touch and bring your journal to life.

 Interested to know how to create your travel bujo? Make sure to check this space as we roll out our comprehensive guide on " How to start a Travel Bullet Journal".


While Dingbats* notebooks help you preserve your memories and experiences, we make conscious efforts through our 100% vegan notebooks to preserve wildlife and safeguard our natural world. 


Fitness and Health Tracker

If fitness is a priority for you, having a fitness-focused bullet journal notebook can help you stay motivated and track your progress. Design workout logs, fitness goals, meal plans and exercise routines. Include tracking pages for weight, measurements, and personal records. Make sure to include a section for tracking nutrition and diet. Use your bullet journal to track your rest days and recovery times.


  1. Daily Habit Tracker: Design a habit tracker spread to monitor and track your daily routines and habits. Whether it's drinking enough water, practising meditation, or exercising, use checkboxes or colour-coding to visually track your progress and stay accountable.

  2. Wellness Goals: Dedicate a section to track your wellness goals. This can include habits like getting enough sleep, practising self-care, or incorporating mindfulness exercises into your routine. Use motivational quotes or affirmations to inspire and encourage yourself along the way.

  3. Personal Development Tracker: Cultivate personal growth and track your progress in various areas of your life. Whether it's marking progress on the increasing weights that you lifted or tracking sleep duration, create trackers or logs to record your achievements and milestones.

  4. Experiment with Habit-Tracking Techniques: Explore different habit-tracking techniques, such as the "Don't Break the Chain" method (A simple productivity method where you mark your tracker every day that you complete a specific task, aiming to maintain a continuous streak without missing a day. Visual progress helps you build momentum and stay motivated)or the "Habit Stacking" technique. Experiment with different layouts, such as weekly or monthly habit trackers, to find a system that works best for you and keeps you motivated.

  5. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your habit tracker pages and assess your progress. Identify patterns, challenges, or areas for improvement. Use this information to adjust your habits or set new goals accordingly. Your habit-focused bullet journal is a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth.


 Food and Recipe journal spreads: Meal plans 

 Foodies and meal planners can benefit from food-focused collection pages. Create meal-planning spreads, recipe collections, and grocery lists. Track your food habits, explore new culinary adventures, and set food-related goals. Include space for food diary entries, restaurant recommendations, and favorite recipes.


  1. Meal Planning Spreads: Simplify your weekly or monthly meal plans, ensuring well-balanced and delicious options.

  2. Recipe Collections: Curate a compilation of mouthwatering recipes, ready to inspire your culinary adventures.

  3. Grocery Lists: Stay organized at the grocery store with categorized lists and handy reminders.

  4. Food Habit Tracking: Gain insights into your eating habits, helping you make mindful choices for better health.

  5. Food Diary Entries: Capture gastronomic delights and record culinary experiments, creating a personal food chronicle to cherish.


Self-Care and Mental Health Planner: Promoting Well-being and Mindfulness 

In today's fast-paced world, self-care is essential. A self-care bujo allows you to prioritize your mental health, relaxation, and personal growth. Create spreads for mindfulness exercises, gratitude lists, affirmations, and self-reflection prompts. Include self-care routines, spa days, and activities that bring you joy and peace. Your self-care bujo becomes a sanctuary for self-discovery and nurturing your well-being.


  1. Gratitude: One powerful form of mental health journaling is keeping a gratitude journal. Each day, write down three things you are grateful for. This practice helps shift your focus towards the positive aspects of your life, fostering a sense of appreciation and contentment.

  2. Self-Reflection: Engage in self-reflection by setting aside dedicated time to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Write about your feelings, challenges, and personal growth. This practice promotes self-awareness and allows you to gain insights into your patterns and behaviors.

  3. Emotional Release: Use journaling as a means of emotional release. Write freely and without judgment about your emotions, frustrations, or disappointments. By expressing and acknowledging your feelings on paper, you can gain clarity, release tension, and find a sense of relief.

  4. Goal Setting: Incorporate goal setting into your mental health journaling practice. Write down your short-term and long-term goals, along with the steps you plan to take to achieve them. Regularly revisit and update your goals, noting your progress and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.

  5. Affirmation: Affirmations are positive statements that can help shift your mindset and boost your self-esteem. Create a section in your journal dedicated to affirmations. Write down empowering statements that resonate with you, such as "I am worthy of love and happiness" or "I have the strength to overcome challenges." Repeat these affirmations daily and reflect on their impact on your thoughts and emotions.

A gentleman writing

Bookshelf and Reading Logs

Bookworms can rejoice with a dedicated book-themed bullet journal to keep track of their reading lists, favourite quotes, book reviews, and reading goals. Design pages for book recommendations, summaries, and reflections on literary journeys. Include a reading tracker to monitor your progress and challenge yourself to explore different genres or authors.


  1. Reading Lists: Create organized pages to list and track the books you want to read, allowing you to easily reference and prioritize your reading materials.

  2. Favorite Quotes: Capture the most memorable quotes from your reading adventures by dedicating pages to showcase the lines that resonate with you the most.

  3. Book Reviews: Share your thoughts and insights on the books you've read by designing spreads for writing brief reviews or summaries, helping you remember your impressions and recommend books to others.

  4. Reading Goals: Set reading goals for yourself, such as a target number of books to read in a year or a challenge to explore specific genres or authors, and track your progress towards achieving them.

  5. Literary Reflections: Dedicate pages for personal reflections on your literary journeys, where you can write about the impact of certain books, the lessons you've learned, or the emotions they've evoked in you. Add to your bullet journal a dedicated space for thoughtful contemplation and connection with the world of literature.


Movies and Watchlist Logs

 Film enthusiasts can create a movies bujo to organize their watchlist, review movies, and capture movie-related memories. Design pages for movie ratings, must-watch lists, and film quotes they connected with the most. You can start by dedicating a page in your bullet journal with sections for recording thoughts on your favorite films, actors, or directors. Add pages to commemorate movie nights with friends or special cinema experiences.


  1. Movie Watchlist: Organize and track your must-watch films.

  2. Movie Reviews: Write concise reviews and ratings for the movies you've watched.

  3. Film Quotes: Capture memorable movie quotes on a visually appealing page.

  4. Cinematic Memories: Preserve special movie experiences with friends and film festivals in dedicated sections.

  5. Actor and Director Spotlights: Celebrate your favorite actors and directors with brief profiles and their notable works.


Drawing in a Dingbats Bullet journal

Art and sketching Bullet Journal spread

Time to take a page out of your favourite Pinterest boards and get artsy! Merge your love for art and great ideas on drawings, and more by creating an art-themed bujo. Showcase your creativity through doodles, sketches, or watercolour paintings. Design pages to track artistic goals, art supplies inventory, and art project ideas. Create a visual gallery of your artwork, experiments, and techniques. Let your artistic journey unfold within the pages of your art.


  1. Artistic Doodles: Express your creativity through doodles and sketches that help you keep your artistic flow going.

  2. Goal Tracker: Set and monitor your artistic goals, whether it's improving a specific skill or completing a certain number of artworks.

  3. Supplies Inventory: Keep track of your art supplies, their usage, and replenishment needs in a dedicated section of your journal.

  4. Project Ideas: Brainstorm and jot down your favourite ideas for future art projects or series, ensuring you never run out of inspiration.

  5. Artwork Showcase: Create a visual gallery of your artwork, showcasing your progress, experiments, and favourite techniques.

 Keeping the artists in mind, we have developed a Vanguard paper mix that is as versatile as the artists using them.  


Our Mixed Media (MM) blend is made for those who seek a grade of paper that adapts to their Mixed Media of inks, brushes, water colours… and more!

Remember, when mixed media is on the mind, MM is the first of its kind.


Music Journal: Tunes, notes and notebooks!

Music enthusiasts and music writers can curate a music journal to organize their lyrics, favourite songs, playlists, and concert experiences. Design spreads for music recommendations, lyrics, and artist discoveries. Include space for concert ticket stubs, memorable music events, and personal reflections on the power of music.


  1. Playlist Curation: Create dedicated pages to curate and organize your favourite songs, albums, and playlists, allowing you to easily access and enjoy your music collection.

  2. Musical Recommendations: Share your musical discoveries and recommendations by designing spreads that showcase artists, albums, or genres you're currently loving and want to share with others.

  3. Lyrics and Song Analysis: Dive deeper into the music you love by including sections to write down meaningful lyrics, analyze song meanings, or explore the emotions and stories behind your favourite tracks.

  4. Scribe your verses: Unleash your flair for music writing and dedicate spreads that help connect lyrics and hooks. Experiment with different rhyme schemes, structures, and verse/chorus arrangements. Use the pages to refine and revise your lyrics until you are satisfied with the final version.

  5. Concert Experiences: Preserve the memories of live music events by incorporating ticket stubs, photographs, or personal reflections from concerts and music festivals you've attended.

  6. Reflections on the Power of Music: Dedicate pages to reflect on how music impacts your life, uplifts your mood, or inspires you creatively. Write about the transformative power of music and the emotions it evokes in you, creating a personal testament to the profound influence of music in your life.

A man writing in his notebook

Career Planner: Lay out your most important career milestones

Professionals seeking organization and productivity can benefit from a career-themed bujo. Design spreads to manage tasks, set goals, ideas for work and track accomplishments. Create sections for brainstorming, meeting notes, and professional development. Including pages to monitor project timelines, deadlines, and important contacts is a fun way to keep track of actionable items. Make your journal a valuable tool for success and growth.


  1. Task and Goal Management: Stay organized and focused on your professional goals by designing spreads to track tasks, set targets, and monitor progress.

  2. Brainstorming and Idea Generation: Foster creativity and innovation in your career by dedicating pages to brainstorm ideas, jot down insights, and capture inspiration.

  3. Meeting Notes and Action Items: Important meetings, discussions, and action items to include in your journal planner and stay on top of your professional commitments.

  4. Professional Development Tracking: Create sections to document your professional development journey, including courses, certifications, workshops, and skills acquired.

  5. Project Management and Deadlines: Use your career planner to plan and manage project timelines, deadlines, deliverables, and key milestones, ensuring successful project completion.


Finance Tracker: Take Control of Your Finances

A finance bujo helps you stay on top of your finances, track expenses, and achieve financial goals. Design spreads for budgeting, expense tracking, and savings plans by including sections for debt repayment strategies, investment portfolios, and financial milestones. Your finance BuJo empowers you to make informed financial decisions and promotes financial well-being.


  1. Budgeting and Expense Tracking: Create monthly spreads that help you track your income, expenses, and savings, allowing you to maintain a clear overview of your financial situation.

  2. Savings Goals and Progress: A meticulous design of pages needs to be done to set savings goals and track your progress towards achieving them, motivating you to save and build financial security.

  3. Investment Portfolio Monitoring: Keep track of your investments by creating spreads to record investment details, track performance, and monitor your investment portfolio's growth.

  4. Financial Milestones and Rewards: Celebrate financial milestones and achievements by designing pages to mark significant financial accomplishments and reward yourself for reaching specific financial goals.


Habit tracker spread

Habits and personal goals tracker

Cultivating positive habits is easier with a habit-focused planner to use in your bullet journal. This goes beyond your usual "to-do list" as it inclines towards being accountable for your daily habits. Create habit trackers to monitor daily routines, reading, drinking water, wellness practices, or personal goals. Use visual charts or graphs to track progress and celebrate streaks. Experiment with different habit-tracking layouts and techniques to find what works best for you. Let your habit bullet journal help to guide you on your journey to self-improvement.


  1. Daily Habit Tracker: Design a habit tracker spread in your bullet journal to monitor and track your daily routines and habits. Whether it's drinking enough water, practising meditation, or exercising, use checkboxes or colour-coding to visually track your progress and stay accountable.

  2. Wellness Goals: Dedicating a section in your habit-focused bullet journal can help track your wellness goals. This can include habits like getting enough sleep, practising self-care, or incorporating mindfulness exercises into your routine. Use motivational quotes or affirmations to inspire and encourage yourself along the way.

  3. Personal Development Tracker: Use your habit bullet journal to cultivate personal growth and track your progress in various areas of your life. Whether it's learning a new skill, reading books, working on personal projects, or creating logs is a great way to keep track of your achievements and milestones.

  4. Experiment with Habit-Tracking Techniques: Explore different habit-tracking techniques in your bullet journal, such as the "Don't Break the Chain" method or the "Habit Stacking" technique. Experiment with different layouts, such as weekly or monthly habit trackers, to find a system that works best for you and keeps you motivated.

  5. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your habit tracker pages and assess your progress. Identify patterns, challenges, or areas for improvement. Use this information to adjust your habits or set new goals accordingly. Your habit-focused bullet journal is a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth.


In conclusion, bullet journaling offers endless possibilities for customization based on your interests and goals. Whether you're a travel enthusiast, fitness fanatic, bookworm, movie lover, foodie, artist, music enthusiast, professional, budget-conscious individual, habit tracker, student, or beginner, there's a themed bujo waiting to be explored. Embrace the creativity and organization that bullet journaling offers, and embark on a journey of self-expression and personal growth through your bullet journal pages.


A note for the eco-conscious

For every notebook you own, we contribute 2% of your order in support of wildlife preservation and environmental conservation undertaken by WWF-UK. Our commitment extends beyond monetary support as the water used to craft our Vanguard paper mix is returned to the environment in a cleaner state than before. Furthermore, we ensure that every resource utilized in our manufacturing process is meticulously broken down to its ultimate form before we responsibly discard it.



We hope we inspired you to start your own BuJo! Tell us which idea you liked the most in the comments, and tag us on Instagram with pictures of your themed Dingbats* journals! Also, make sure to check out our entire product range here.


Reading next

Creative Travel Bullet Journal Ideas
A young lady writing in a Dingbats* journal

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